Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blog

Hello and good morning.

It’s Thursday, and so of course, it’s a day for my “traditional” blog post format.  I’m probably not going to be terribly creative with it today, though, because I am rather unwell.  I think I ate some bad chicken salad in a sandwich from a convenience store yesterday, and I’ve had a rough evening and night.  I won’t go into too much detail except to say, “Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my colonoscopy.”

Today is December 7th, a day that is commemorated or mourned or however you would want to characterize it as the anniversary of the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked and the United States entered World War II.

Tonight will also mark the beginning of Hanukkah at sundown.  I sent out rather lame—in the sense of being unimaginative—gifts to my kids, since I don’t know what specific things they might prefer to receive.  It’s horrible—maybe the most horrible thing that could have happened to me, as far as my personal life is concerned—that I don’t even really know my children anymore, and haven’t seen them in more than ten years.  Of course, it would be far more horrible if something bad were to happen to them; I would rather suffer and be lonely and reviled and diseased for decades than to have anything significantly bad happen to either of them.

Of course, reality doesn’t really make bargains of that sort, but thankfully my kids seem to be healthy and relatively happy, and that’s good.  I miss them a lot, but I know I have no right to impose myself upon them if they don’t wish to see me.  At least I communicate with my daughter.

I can’t really think of any scientific or philosophical or mathematical topic of any interest to discuss today.  My brain is quite foggy, and I did not sleep continuously for more than half an hour at a time last night.  I wouldn’t have even come into the office, except that I know that my coworker is off today—he has to watch his very young daughter while his wife goes and does some kind of makeover or some such to prepare for family holiday photos this weekend.

I don’t understand the point of going through all that.  I guess the family photos are a nice thing, but in the modern era, with social media platforms of various kinds and digital cameras in smartphones that are superior to any camera most any of us used to own back in the day, why not just take regular, candid family photos?  You can print them out, if that’s what you want to do.  You can turn them into cards.  You can use various app filters and whatnot to adjust your appearance, if you think you don’t look good enough.

It’s almost all silly, to me.  I mean, I like seeing pictures of people I care about, to see how they’re doing, to remind me of them, all that good stuff.  But I don’t have much interest in seeing people posed and dressed up in front of a fake background in some photo studio such as they used to have in malls all over the place.

When my kids were very little, we took a few photos like that of them, to send out to more distant family members who hadn’t seen them yet.  But it was just pictures of them, and honestly, I probably wouldn’t have done those if it had been me.  Even back in the early 2000’s, we had digital cameras and stuff to take pictures with, and we had email.

Oh, well.  Mostly I’m complaining because it’s inconvenient to have to be at the office today, which is where I already am, as I write this.  I took an Uber in very early, because I didn’t want to take any more time in the commute than necessary, given that I am still not completely over my gastrointestinal distress.  Also, my former housemate was going to try to come by the house to work on some things, and I was going to ask him to look at my air conditioning unit if I had been able to take at least part of the day off work.  Now that won’t happen.

I suppose it doesn’t really matter.  Maintenance of anything for me is basically a waste of time and effort.  I honestly don’t really want to maintain anything at all.  I wish I could just give up even eating and drinking, let alone working or showering or paying rent or other bills or having to wash clothes and get new ones when old ones wear out (I put this part off as much as I can, though).  I don’t see any point in it—not for me.

Hopefully, I won’t be doing it all for too much longer.

Right now, though, I’m spacing out and even dozing off as I write—heck, I drooled on myself a little, which at least means I’m not too dehydrated—so I’m going to wrap it up for today.

But before I do, for tonight:

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