YouTube: Give us better options for why we’re “Not interested”

I’m writing this brief rant because of a recurring irritation.

If a video is offered to you by YouTube, and you are quite sure that you’re not interested in watching it–perhaps the subject matter or the title or the thumbnail make it clear that it’s not something you wish to view–you have the option of clicking on the little three-vertical-dot thing and selecting “Not interested”.  Part of why you might want to do this is to train the YouTube algorithm so that it avoids similar videos in the future.

Once you say you’re not interested, YouTube promptly removes the video, leaving the following:

YouTube video removed

It’s nice to have the “Undo” option, since that lets you change your mind or correct your mistake if you didn’t mean to select “Not interested”.

However, if you click on “Tell us why”, perhaps hoping to give the YouTube algorithm more and clearer information, you get:

YouTube tell us why

These have been the sole options for as long as I have been aware of this function on YouTube.  But this combination does not make sense!  The first option is at least okay as a reason.  Perhaps you’ve already watched the video and just aren’t interested–ever–in watching it again.  However, simply telling YouTube you’re “Not interested” should accomplish everything that choice could provide.  And the second box is pretty thoroughly illogical in light of the first box.  If you haven’t already watched the video, how can you know that you don’t like it?

It’s maddening.  It caters to the judgmentalism and purulent self-righteousness that feels as though it is infecting society ever more as each day passes.  Also, these are simply not very useful choices.  It would be nice to able to say that the subject matter is not of interest, or that you don’t like the particular creator, or that the thumbnail looks off-putting, or that you fear the video will make you angry, or whatever.  The ability to give some feedback beyond just not being interested would be useful.  These choices, however, are essentially without value, or very close to being that way.

If anyone out there works at (or with) the people at YouTube responsible for improving such things, could you please bring this matter to their attention?  I’m already depressed and stressed out and near my wit’s end, seeking videos to improve my outlook or least to distract me from despair (if such a thing is possible).  Such idiocy from a company that ought to be on the cutting edge of technology, and perhaps even of logic (which is supposed to be the purview of computer scientists and engineers and programmers and the like) is deeply disappointing and profoundly depressing.  It also pisses me off, which just makes me feel more depressed, since I feel I spend almost all my time stressed and angry, and I hate that about myself.

Here endeth the rant.