Very brief report: Monday, June 3rd, 2024 AD/CE

I only wrote a little bit this morning, because somehow I was moving quite slowly, even though I woke up plenty early.

Actually, that reminds me of a mildly amusing fact.  On Saturday, I got up and got ready and went into the office, since it was my weekend to work, and only after I was up and on my way did I realize:  I had completely forgotten to turn on my alarm for Saturday morning, which I had turned off for the previous, non-working weekend.  It’s pretty funny, in a rather sardonic way.  I almost never even hear my morning alarm, because I am almost never still asleep when its time for it to go off, so I shut it off preemptively.  I’ve been awakened by my alarm just once this year (so far) unless I am grossly misremembering.  And that was because I had such difficult getting to sleep that night that I had finally dropped off only barely before it was time to awaken.

Enough about that for now.  I’m sure you’ve all “heard” about my chronic insomnia ad nauseam, so I won’t bore you more with it now.

My block words today were only 751, but my net words were 763, so I must have added a net of 12 words to previously written portions of the story as I was editing it.  That’s about a 1.6% difference between the two measures, so much lower than the peak difference, but much higher than the nadir, which, of course, most individual samples in any data set will tend to be.

The total story length is currently 51,558 words.  I should be finished with the first draft sometime relatively soon, but I don’t think it will happen this week.

I hope you are all having a good month of June so far.  And I hope that you have a good day and a good week.  If my wishes have any effect–which seems unlikely–then you will.

One thought on “Very brief report: Monday, June 3rd, 2024 AD/CE

  1. Hope the “double-plus-good” event went well for you and your family member. I got about as much sleep last night as you typically do, so, it’s over and out for me.

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