This is the way the whirled Ns knot…

Hello and good morning.

It’s Thursday morning, which long-time readers will be able to tell from the opening line of this blog post, even if they don’t happen to have the day of the week displayed on their computers.  Does that actually happen, anymore?  Are there people who have smartphones and tablets and laptop computers and desktop computers where the computer‒they are all computers‒does not keep them informed of the day and date?

Based on some of the things I see at the office, you would imagine it to be thus, but I think that’s mainly a function of people not paying attention.

Speaking of people not being as sharp as they might be, I was a serious mess yesterday.  I’m not at all sure that my blog post was coherent, but I know that at work I struggled to be sensible.  Numerous times while I was there I lost track of what I was doing, and had to shake myself into focus.  It’s a good thing I prepare for the payroll ahead of time and that the boss looks at the results before I send the numbers in.  Also, it’s good that I do it every week, so it doesn’t require as much concentration as it would if I were doing it for the first time.

I did not write any on Extra Body yesterday, despite my hopeful intentions.  I left the office after lunch, with my boss’s blessing (so to speak) because he and everyone else could tell that I was really a mess.  If I were someone with a drug problem, they would probably think I was using.

I wish I could say that I had been able to get back to the house and go to sleep and sleep until time to get up.  Well, I did get back to the house, of course; that much is true.  But it took me a long time to be able to get to sleep, despite half a Benadryl.  I also started waking up at a little after 11pm (!).  I didn’t get up then, of course, but I kept going through my frequent awakening more or less from then on, until I finally got up five minutes before my alarm.

I feel more rested than yesterday, but that’s not saying very much.  It’s like beating your personal best on the 100 meter dash when your personal best was 5 minutes.  My chronic pain doesn’t help any of this.

I’m sorry, I wish I could write about more interesting things, or even that I knew what readers would like to read.  It seems that unpleasant things are all that’s ever on my mind.

I know a fair amount about various science topics and obviously about medical matters, and some mathematics and some philosophy and psychology and (ugh) politics and whatnot.  But it’s very difficult for me to find the energy to do anything interesting because I’m always tired, I’m always stressed, I’m always in pain, and I never get enough sleep.

I don’t know if I’m going to keep doing this much longer.  I didn’t even bring my computer back with me last night; I’m writing this post on my smartphone.  I’m tempted to go back to doing at most once a week blog posts, and trying to do fiction on the other mornings.  But I feel this blog is the only strong connection I have with the wider world out there, other than my sister.  This is my only means of reaching more than one person.  It’s also my only good means of sending out my distress call, my cry for help to the world.  At least, it’s the only one I seem capable of using.

It’s not very good at that, though.  There just aren’t all that many people who read it, and though I get some encouraging words from time to time, that’s only going to have a limited effect.  If you’re trying not to drown, it can be nice for someone to shout for you to keep swimming, that you can do it, that you just have to keep treading water…but only if more concrete help is on the way, and you just need to stay above water until it arrives.  If there is no actual boat or floaty ring or rope or lifeguard coming, then at best you just become a spectacle, where onlookers perhaps try to guess just how long you’ll be able to keep afloat before you finally go under for the last time.

At least I guess I’ve been able to offer that bit of entertainment.  I wonder if anyone has been making bets on length of time and specific outcomes for me.  If anyone has, let me know‒I think I would find it funny.  Don’t tell me what you bet on, whether it be how long until I die or by what means I will die or what have you; I don’t want to be unfairly biased either in your favor or against you.  But it would be funny to learn that there were spectators who were willing to admit that they’re morbidly curious just to see if I’ll actually die, and when.

That’s enough of that for today.  I don’t know what I’ll do from here on out.  It was tempting just to drop onto the tracks in front of the train as it was arriving, and sometimes I feel like I don’t give a shit if I inconvenience all the passengers.  But of course, I do give a shit about that, at least so far.  I don’t want to screw up everybody’s day.  The world is hard enough as it is.

Also, it would be a frightening way to die, and I’m not sure I’m bold enough for it.  You have to overcome really powerful instincts to do something like that, which is no doubt why many suicides are associated with drugs and alcohol.

I don’t know.  I might go back to writing fiction every day except Thursdays.  Or I may stop writing at all.  Or I may just collapse and fall apart and give up, I don’t know.  I’m so very very very very tired and uncomfortable.  And I have no real reason to expect it to get any better.


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